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Unit: SHX.pas


Returns bounding rectangle of the SHX Font text string basing on the text string defined in Text with predefined by the ASHXStyles, PStyle and Vertical parameters.

ASHXStylesThe instance of the TsgSHXFontList object
PStyleDefines the converting style
TextThe object of the sgRawByteString type
WideTextThe wide text string
CodePageThe code page that specifies symbols in SHX. Ignored in Delphi versions older than 2009.
VerticalThe additional converting option – SHX Font text is set to vertical orientation
PolyThe list of the SHX Font text string
AboveThe above value of the SHX Font defined in Font
BelowThe below value of the SHX Font defined in Font
WidthThe width parameter of the SHX Font
HeightThe height parameter of the SHX Font
RealLeft, RealBottom, RealRight, RealTopThe borders of the real surrounding rectangle


Above, BelowThe above and below parameters of the SHX Font defined in Font
Width, HeightThe width and height parameters of the SHX Font defined in Font
RealLeft, RealBottom, RealRight, RealTopThe real border rectangle of the converted SHX Font text string


procedure GetSHXTextBoxFromStyle(ASHXStyles: TsgSHXFontlist; PStyle : PsgTextStyle; const Text: sgRawByteString; const WideText: WideString; CodePage: Integer; Vertical: Boolean; var Above, Below, Width, Height, RealLeft, RealBottom, RealRight, RealTop, After: Double);